Neons are small quiet and peaceful fish. This is perfect for beginners in the aquarium .
Neon also called " Paracheirodon innesi " is part of the family Characidae . He is originally from Peru, Brazil and Colombia.
They like to move bench. It takes at least 5-7 individuals for neon feel good. This fish is totally calm . It coexists well with other species.
Attention to large specimens that could devour because of its small size ( 4 cm). You can enter a school of neon in your aquarium and after putting small scalar . They do not eat them because they have been accustomed to mingle .
For neon feels good in your aquarium , choose a dense vegetation. The following plants can be put in the basin: Cryptocorynes , Ceratophyllum demersum or the Echinodorus because they tolerate perfectly fresh water .
The soil should be rather dark and dim lighting. Neon occupy mainly the lower half of the basin.
When they are stressed , they are grouped separately if they swim . The water should be between 20 and 24 ° C. Do not change abruptly temperature aquarium and watch during their acclimatization because this species to a fragile heart .
Neon lights can have a heart attack due to stress .
Neon male is thinner . It has a blue line that is right on the stomach while the female is paunchy when it reaches sexual maturity and blue line is curved .
This species is omnivorous . She eats too much glitter flakes as mosquito larvae. If you leave , do not hate it, fear , neon lights can fast one or two days because they are often overweight.
Their life expectancy is up to 10 years.
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